Summer Missionaries 2023

Our Summer missionaries are the core to our CORE team. Every summer we have different summer missionaries and every year they serve for approximately 8 weeks to make camp possible. Please pray for them and the long summer that they serve. To make a tax-deductible donation to all of our summer missionaries, you can write a check to Forward Bible Camp and put SM in the memo or click the donate button at the bottom of the page and email mitch@forwardbiblecamp.com to let him know what it is for.

Seth Dulinsky
Seth Dulinsky has served at Forward Bible Camp for the better part of a decade. He served as a Jr. Cabin leader as soon as he was old enough. He gave up a job to be with us this summer and serves part time as a worship and youth pastor at Calvary Chapel Greenwood.
To join the support team of Seth Dulinsky, please visit InFaith at: https://infaith.org/ministries/seth-dulinsky

Brooke Fulp
Brooke Fulp has served at Forward Bible Camp for about 5 years and this will be her second year as a summer missionary. She is great with kids of all ages. She also works with the kids at Cold Springs Church.
To join the support team of Brooke Fulp, please visit InFaith at: https://infaith.org/ministries/brooke-fulp

Josh Haley
Josh has been serving at Forward Bible Camp as a cabin leader for several years and this is his first summer as a summer missionary. He also serves with the kids at Cold Springs Church.
To join the support team of Josh Haley, please visit InFaith at: https://infaith.org/ministries/joshua-haley

Adriah Matista
Adriah started serving at Forward Bible Camp last summer. This is her first year with us as a summer missionary. She is active at Pioneer Bible Church.
When this was updated, her page on InFaith wasn't finished. To give to her, you can search for her on infaith.org or mail them a check with a note for her.
Ian Morris

Ian was a summer missionary last year. Last year he ran our chapel, pool, and helped with program. This is his second year as a summer missionary. He will be joining the summer missionaries in speaking in chapel as well.
Ian is a Jr. summer missionary and unable to receive tax-deductible income through InFaith. To join the support team of Ian Morris, you can give on Venmo to @morrismissions or mail a check to:
Ian Morris
10321 Wentworth Springs Rd.
Georgetown, CA 95634
Website: MorrisMissions.com
Madilynn Morris

Madilynn helped at camp a lot last year and wanted to serve all summer this year. She will be serving with crews cleaning bathrooms, tables, dishes, and helping the activities team. This is her first summer as a summer missionary.
Madi is a Jr. summer missionary and unable to receive tax-deductible income through InFaith. To join the support team of Madilynn Morris, you can give on Venmo to @morrismissions or mail a check to:
Madi Morris
10321 Wentworth Springs Rd.
Georgetown, CA 95634
Website: MorrisMissions.com

Jesse Withrow
Jesse has been serving at camp for several years. He has volunteered as a cabin leader, worship leader, maintenance, and to help us with rental groups. This is his first year as a summer missionary.
When this was updated, his page on InFaith wasn't finished. To give to him, you can search for him on infaith.org or mail them a check with a note for him.