Application Process
Basic information
Everyone is background checked
References for all staff
Background checks for staff 18 and older
All staff at Forward Bible Camp are volunteer or missionary positions
1. Pray about how long you would like to serve and in what position (Position and dates aren't guaranteed)
2. Sign up to volunteer here.
3. Once you apply to volunteer, you will get an automated email that has a link for references. You need two references from church. Campers and Crew members are not required to have references as they are both campers.
4. If you are 18+
a. You will receive information on getting Mandated Reporter training, which is a two hour training course.
b. You will receive a link to get a background check.
c. You will need to be live-scanned and can get that done at any fingerprinting location. The form is here. Locations to get live-scanned can be found here.